
Shop Agel is a virtual showroom for talent Mr Eric Cheng to sell his merchandise and operated by ShowGuide88.com.

鄭啟泰(Eric Cheng),香港名電台、電視節目主持人。留學加拿大,經驗司儀,經常為各大型活動與頒獎禮任主持。早期在商業電台主持節目,後轉至新城娛樂台任職該台執行總監,主持過《生活好國度》等節目。大受歡迎,播送範圍直達廣東省各地。隨後加入亞洲電視,主要工作為主持綜藝資訊節目,亦為亞洲電視的幕後報幕及配音員。 2018年為HKTVB 簽約藝人。

Agel’s mission is to empower individuals to achieve new levels of health, financial success, and personal freedom by extending those same benefits to those around them.

Agel grows as its people grow - through commitment, dedication, and collaboration.


Ash Capital 承諾將協助
Agel 成為業界內一間超過十億美元的公司 !